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We work with individual athletes and teams as well.

What does the process look like?

1. You do an assessment to help identify your weaknesses with your mental game.

2. You’ll meet with a trained mental game coach and discuss your assessment answers.

3. A mental game coach will develop a mental game plan to help guide the mental training program.

4. Mental coaching begins. You learn to think better, maintain positivity, solve problems, improve

confidence, stay calm after mistakes and focus.

5. A mental game coach will provide drills and objectives to improve your mental game in


6. You complete post-game assessments to provide feedback to your mental coach.

We can work with you in person or via video connection.

Test Your Mental Game and See if You Can Benefit from Mental Game Coaching by answering these questions. 

  • You perform better in practice than during competition.

  • You are so self-conscious; you worry about what others think about your game.

  • You maintain many self-doubts about your sport before or during games.

  • You worry about letting others down by not performing up to others’ expectations.

  • You suffer from anxiety, worry, or excess tension when in competition.

  • Pre-game jitters do not go away after the first few minutes into the competition.

  • You are motivated by fear of failure and it affects your performance in competition.

  • You have a fear of success and sabotage yourself when you are winning.

  • You are not sure why you play your sport or let others be your source of motivation.

  • You are motivated by external rewards, accolades, recognition, or praise.

  • You attach your self-worth to how well you perform in sports.

  • You lose focus or have mental lapses during critical times of the game.

  • Your routines are not well defined or lack mental focus in routine.

  • You go through the motions physically without mental focus or intensity.

  • You are not excited enough or are too excited to perform your best in competition.

  • You are distracted by things that go on around you in your environment.

  • You have doubts or negative thoughts before, during, or after competition.

  • Post-injury you cannot perform the way you did pre-injury even when 100% physically.

  • When performing well you may sabotage your performance with a comfort zone (protect your lead) or expectations that limit your ability to press forward.

  • You become easily frustrated because of high expectations.

  • You cannot perform with freedom or trust in times of adversity or pressure.

  • You work on your mechanics or technique even when competing.

  • You do not concentrate in the here and now or focus only on execution.

  • You think of too much about consequences of your performance, good or bad.

  • You overanalyze mistakes (technique) and thus think too much about technique.

  • You suffer from low self-confidence or self-esteem.

  • You limit your performance with negative self-labels such as “I am a choker.”

  • You have trouble forgetting or letting go of bad past performances.

  • Your anger or frustration gets in the way of peak performance.

  • You are frequently disappointed with your performance and wish it was better.

  • You have a burning desire to be the best ever at your sport or just want to know how to improve your mental game.


Note: If you see two or more challenges in your game from the bullet points above, you or your athlete might benefit from mental  game coaching. Contact me today to learn more about the benefits of mental coaching and how it works. 

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